Atlanta, GA

Was formed in 1993 to provide a voice for design professionals who previously had little say in the development of Philadelphia’s communities. PhilaNOMA is committed to enhancing the profession of architecture by promoting diversity in practice and by maintaining an active role in the education of aspiring designers.

Our organization also promotes environmental stewardship in Philadelphia and seeks to make an impact on urban communities through greater awareness and appreciation for architecture and design.

Our organization also promotes environmental stewardship in Philadelphia and seeks to make an impact.

We accomplish this in part through various programs and initiatives that provide networking, community service and mentoring opportunities to professionals and students of all cultures and backgrounds.

The organization has won more Chapter of the Year awards than almost any other in the history of the National Organization of Minority Architects.

In 2014 PhilaNOMA hosted the national conference and this year it celebrates 25 years of existence


Atlanta news