The Exchange
Mark your calendars for October 23-27, 2024 when Bmore NOMA will host the NOMA Conference. Early bird registration ends May 31th.
The DESIGN track will focus on new, award-winning, and legacy design projects executed by our members and other local professionals that express innovative design strategies in sustainability, material usage and/or technical expertise that was used in an innovative manner. Projects that have had a positive impact on the community that they serve should, along with LEED, BREEAM, Living Building Challenge and WELLS buildings will be considered a part of this track.
The TECHNICAL track will focus on new products and design techniques and technologies, that introduce and review technical skills, materials, and systems that span all skill levels – from introductory to advanced.
The COMMUNITY & JUSTICE track will focus on public and civic projects that benefit communities through social and environmental justice and social responsibility. Topics that are tailored towards housing discrimination, education, home equity, environmental justice, sustainable design, etc. will be considered. This track shall also include presentations related to service through programs and activities designed to support communities and the architectural profession.
The BUSINESS track of seminars will be geared toward starting a firm, marketing, firm growth, investing in the future, and succession planning. Seminars that discuss access to capital, recruitment strategies, purchasing, and policies that positively impact people working in the built environment will be considered. This track will also include the development of emerging professionals – including but not limited to internships, ARE, AXP, mentorship, and aide in career growth.
Known as a big city that can feel small, Baltimore is a city where everyone knows everyone, with locals affectionately giving the city the nickname “Smalltimore”. These interactions often begin at public markets and rowhouse stoops, serving as focal points for connection and innovation that have challenged the status quo locally and consequentially, nationwide. This track will feature individuals, projects, and organizations alike that have come together at various scales, outside of traditional practice, across a variety of disciplines to create a grassroots paradigm shift across the country.
If you have any questions, please email